Eleanor , Marie and Alix,
sovereign Ladies
15th century
Concerts given at:
Meetings between troubadours and trouvères in the courts of France (12th century)
December 03, 2023 - Saint-Chamond (42)
November 30, 2023 - Tours (37)
February 17, 2023 - Château du Plessis (37)
NEW FOR 2023
"Through their taste for the arts and beautiful letters, women have played an important role in the creation of literary texts dedicated to them."
Both inspiration and protector of authors, Eleanor of Aquitaine and two of her daughters, Marie and Alix, women of culture and power, have largely contributed to the enthusiasm and the rise of courtly opera. They protected and encouraged artists and enabled the transmission of the works of their contemporaries.
As sensitive as their mother to lyric poetry, Marie and Alix made their classes shine culturally by inviting and supporting troubadours and trouvères, essential authors of Western literature in the 12th century.
Their respective estates in Champagne, Blois and Chartres are at the crossroads of Oc and Oïl civilisations: troubadours and trouvères were able to talk and listen to each other in these places where Occitan lyric, the Arthurian novel and other major innovations of literature flourished.
The program proposed by Diabolus in Musica, honors the talent of these cultivated women, who knew how to create a dynamic around the great poets and musicians in the expression of their songs in the languages of oc and oïl: Marcabru , Bernard de Ventadour, Chretien de Troyes, Gace Brulé, Huon d'Oisy, Guillaume de Ferrières.