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 The Garden songs


Concerts given at :

Polyphonic garden songs at the dawn of the Renaissance (15th Century)

Concerts à venir  :

6 juillet 2025 - Festival Les Méridiennes - Tours (37)

NEW FOR 2023

"The garden invites itself into the poetry set to music at the time of Leonardo da Vinci..."

Nightingales, birdies, roses, violets and a string of flowers are the protagonists of garden songs at the dawn of the Renaissance. We like to rest, sing and dance in this place, a place of amusement and entertainment.


This courtil protected by an essential fence becomes an intimate and difficult to access space: Love finds its place there. The coveted being is out of sight...


And the garden invites itself into the poetry set to music in the time of Leonardo...

June 3 et 4, 2023 - Château du Clos Lucé (37)

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