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4-Cantores -Avignon Tourisme.jpg

Chapel of the Popes of Avignon, 14th century

From October 08 to 22, 2017 - USA/Canada tour

From 09 to 14 May 2017 - Tour Oude Muziek, (Netherlands)

November 12, 2016 - Great Chapel of the Palace of the Popes, Avignon (84)

October 21, 2016 - Autumn Concerts Festival, Tours (37)

September 24, 2016 - Ribeauvillé Festival (68)

August 25, 2016 - Laus Polyphoniae Festival (Belgium)



Concerts given at:


Aurea Luce, hymneDiabolus in Musica
00:00 / 02:52

"The triumph of polyphony in the Papal Chapel of Avignon in the 14th century thanks to the excellence of the cantors recruited in the North of France, who create audacious motets and masses."

For a little less than a century, the Christian world had its eyes turned towards Avignon, because French popes resided there from 1309. Its wealth, its splendours, its places of power attracted kings, princes and greatest artists of the century. Within the Curia, the "papal chapel" is an institution now bringing together the best singers and composers of the Western world, whom the pope did not hesitate to recruit from the great cathedrals or princely courts, often coming from the North of France. The talents of these "cantores" will be exercised in the new genre of the polyphonic mass and in the formidable testing ground that is the motet, making polyphony and the audacious stylistic novelties of the Ars Nova triumph in a brilliant way. .


The program is a journey among the great manuscripts born in the Avignon sphere and includes many pieces that have not been sung since the 14th century, with an interpretation very close to that of the papal chapel of Avignon.

Mass for 3 voices, motets (Philippe de Vitry, anonymous), mass for 4 voices.

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