Lai, war and political songs
Released: 1999
1 Jérusalem se plaint
2 Je chantaisse volontiers
3 En talent ai
4 Chanson de Guillaume
5 Bien me deusse targier
6 Ahi, amours
7 Or somes a çou
8 On ne porroit de mauvese reson
9 S'onques hom ens lui s'asit
10 Crescens in credulitas Go
In the tremendous flowering of the art of trouvères in the 12th and 13th centuries, courtly love was not the only theme developed by poet-musicians.
The "fin'amor" actually appears in a harsh and warlike old feudal world, which is just beginning to integrate this new ideal of courtesy. This is why the period of creation of the trouvères is also that of the apogee of "chivalry". Originally a simple professional group of the military aristocracy, the knighthood stands as a social and ethical community. Chivalry and nobility now merge. Chivalry becomes hereditary and becomes Christianized. It becomes a fundamental element for the stability of feudal society. It is therefore logical to find in the impressive production of the trouvères a certain number of songs reflecting the essential concerns of the chivalrous spirit of the 12th and 13th centuries. Crusade songs and political songs are the most striking expressions of this.
Two other genres of uncourteous lyric shed much light on this chivalrous and feudal ideal. The lay and the chanson de geste also testify to this very medieval taste for sung stories and the immense success of the jugglers who peddled them. They also have in common the seniority of their origin and a decisive role in the development, creation, fixation of this beautiful langue d'oïl.
Tenors: Raphaël Boulay - Antoine Guerber
Baritone: Jean-Paul Rigaud
Lute, rebec: Brice Duisit
Recorded at the Prieuré de Grammont from September 7 to 10, 1998
Sound recording, editing: Jean Marc Laisné
"It is this warlike and political setting that exploits the heroic vein of the chansons de geste, and that the young ensemble Diabolus in Musica revisits with a rare gift of conviction."
Roger Tellart - Diapason, 1999