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Guillaume Du Fay

Released: 2004


1 I. Introït: Benedicta sit sancta trinitas

2 II. Kyrie

3 III. Gloria

4IV. Graduel: Benedictus es Domine

5 V. Alleluia: Benedictus es Domine

6 VI. Sequence: Unus simplex and perfectum

7VII. Credo

8 VIII. Offertoire: Benedictus sit Deus pater

9IX. Sanctus

10 X.Agnus dei

11XI. Communion: Benedicite Deum celi

12 XII. Ite missa est

cd cover.jpg
I. Introït Benedicta sit sancta trinitasDiabolus in Musica
00:00 / 06:16


Guillaume Du Fay is the first composer of whom we can make a very precise biography, because of the high level of the functions he exercised in prestigious institutions, of the very great fame that his talents as a musician made him acquire, leaving a deep impression on his contemporaries, but also thanks to the texts of some of his own music. 

We have chosen to reconstitute an entire Mass musically as was done, adding to the Ordinary the Proper of the day of the feast of the Trinity. Our a cappella interpretation by male voices only is an option that can remain valid for all polyphonic mass music from the 15th century. In the case of the masses of Guillaume Du Fay in general, andHis face is palein particular, it turns out to be most relevant.  We have also chosen for this recording a classically Italian pronunciation, given the very close ties uniting the chapter of the cathedral of Cambrai to the Roman Curia . Du Fay is one example among many of a young cantor from Cambrai engaged in the papal chapel for many years, then returned to Cambrai as a prebendary canon, occupying high ecclesiastical functions, supervising the liturgy and ensuring strict respect for Cambrai the Roman traditions.


Altos: Frédéric Bétous - Andrés Rojas - Urrego

Tenors: Raphaël Boulay - Olivier Germond - Philippe Froeliger - Hugues Primard

Bass-baritone: Emmanuel Vistorky

Bass: Philippe Roche

Recorded at the Collegiate Church of Champeaux in September 2003

Sound recording, editing: Jean Marc Laisné


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"The impression produced by Diabolus in Musica is exceptional and counts among the essentials of the discography."

Marc Desmet - The world of music, 2004


"Antoine Guerber and his followers succeed in their entry into the great repertoire. [...] It is indeed thanks to these powerful foundations that the edifice rises with such certainty; right up to the exuberant final sections of each movement One word: Bravo!”

David Fiala - Diapason, May 2004

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