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At the time of Alienor, 12th century

Released: 1992

1 Noster cetus psallat letus
2 Pos de chantar m'es prez talentz

3 Dirai vos senes duptansa
4 La doussa votz ai auzida
5 Novus annus dies magnus
6 Letamini plebs hodie fidélis
7 Senescente mundano filio

8 O Maria Deu maïre
9 No sap chantar qui so non di
10 Puois als baros enoia e lor pesa
11 Ja nuns hons pris
12 Catolicorum concio
13 Laude Jocunda

14 Be deu hoi mais

15 In hoc anni circulo

Pos de chantar m'es prez talenzDiabolus in Musica
00:00 / 05:03


If the romantic era left us with the image of troubadours as pale and cutesy characters, itinerant poets and the lute on their shoulders, the reality is quite different. The first of the known troubadours is a high-ranking character since it is the ninth Duke of Aquitaine, Guillaume, grandfather of Aliénor, lord of an immense territory and more powerful than the King of France himself. . A rich and complex personality, William IX was excommunicated several times for his insolence and the lightness of his morals. This did not prevent him from devoting himself to poetry and music, and he was apparently the first poet to raise the langue d'oc to a high literary level. William IX also "invents" the fin'amor, this code of courtly love where the "lady" becomes the "suzerain" of the poet in love and where feelings are now dictated by the "service of love".

This program is certainly far from being exhaustive: more than twenty troubadours were born and worked on a territory which corresponds to current Aquitaine; they have sung for almost a hundred and fifty years, in a warm and sensual language, their veneration for women, for domna.


Vocals, guitar: Antoine Guerber

Bowed fiddle: Florence Rebeyrolle

Vocals, symphony, Saracen guitar, lute, oud: Dominique Touron

Recorder, psaltery: Pierre Touron

Recorded in the church of Saint-Martin de Montphélix on February 9 and 10, 1990

and in the church of Saint-Christophe d'Esquerdes from 08 to 10 June 1990

Sound recording, editing: Emmanuel Thery


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  • SoundCloud - Black Circle

"The first disc of the Diabolus in Musica ensemble deserves more than a simple detour as its approach to the art and the period of the troubadours is innovative and relevant... All this is done with great finesse and sobriety. "

Jean-François Goudesenne - Diapason, September 1992

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