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Missa Ave Regina Celorum, Guillaume Du Fay

Released: April 9, 2021

1 Ave Regina Celorum   antienne (plain-chant)

2 Ave Regina Celorum   motet


3 Missa Ave Regina Celorum

4 Introït : Salva sancta parens

5 Kyrie

6 Gloria

7 Gradual : benedicta and venerabilis

8 Alleluia : Virga jesse

9 Credo

10 Offertoire : felix namque

11 Sanctuary

12 Agnus dei

13 Communion : beata viscera


14 Salve regina   motet

Kyrie polyphoniqueDiabolus in Musica
00:00 / 05:59


Guillaume Du Fay is one of the greatest representatives of French musical genius, one of the most important composers in our history and the Missa Ave Regina Celorum is his ultimate masterpiece. He reaches heights of expressiveness, a confusing mastery of counterpoint and brilliant sonorities that hint at a touching and refined humanism. For the last and most important work of his life, the Cambresian master will deploy all his talents in an immense musical architecture, with impressive rhythmic complexities, always at the service of devotion and beauty. Du Fay achieves the tour de force of making perfectly audible the melody of the Gregorian antiphon which he used to compose his mass, enveloped in a dense and extremely brilliant polyphony. This mass therefore marks the spectacular flowering of the Middle Ages and already hints at the stylistic evolutions slowly leading towards the Renaissance. The Ordinary of the Mass will also be highlighted by plainsong pieces and other compositions by Guillaume Du Fay dedicated to the Virgin, placing us back at the heart of the Marian and musical devotion of a great cathedral in the 15th century. .


Mezzo-soprano: Axelle Bernage

Viola: Marie Pouchelon

Tenors: Raphaël Boulay - Olivier Germond - Jesus Rodil - Branislav Rakic

Bass-baritone: Emmanuel Vistorky

Bass: Philippe Roche


Recorded at Noirlac Abbey from December 08 to 11, 2020

Sound recording, editing: Jean Marc Laisné

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