Mass of Our Lady by Guillaume de Machaut (14th century)
Our Lady of the Flames by Thierry Machuel (21st century)
Concerts given at:
July 29, 2022 - Collegiate Church, Bueil en Touraine (37)
June 25, 2021 - Saint-Julien Church, Tours (37)
Concerts à venir :
24 juin 2025 - Notre-Dame de Paris (75)
Concert of June 25, 2021 broadcast onFrance Music:link to the REPLAY of the concert
"The most extraordinary musical work of the Middle Ages magnified by compositions inspired by Thierry Machuel. A major original shock to discover!"
First cycle of polyphonic mass composed entirely by the same author, the "Messe de Nostre Dame" by Guillaume de Machaut is probably the most medieval musical workbest known, of the greatest artist of our medieval history! In this votive mass in honor of the Virgin Mary written around 1362-1363, Machaut deploys all his musical science and his mastery, brought to perfection, of all the styles of his time. Our recording of the mass in 2007 made an impression, the voices of the ensemble highlighting the extraordinary creative genius and the impressive virtuosity of Machaut's music...
On the occasion of the ensemble's 30th anniversary, Antoine Guerber wished to renew this approach by placing an order with Thierry Machuel for compositions specially designed to accompany Machaut's mass. Particularly touched by the ordeal of fire suffered by Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral on April 15, 2019, Thierry Machuel composed "Notre Dame des Flammes" for the 4 voices of the Diabolus in Musica ensemble, as well as that of the great Breton singer Marthe Vassallo and an electric guitar. This veritable musical and literary journey, this dialogue between contemporary music and the first great polyphonic mass in our musical history constitutes an emotional shock, a journey through time thanks to the harmonies of Machaut and Machuel.