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30 years of passion for music from the Middle Ages

Release: October 08, 2021

CD 1: Songs

CD 2: Plain chant and polyphonies of Notre-Dame 12th and 13th centuries

CD 3: 14th century

CD 4: 15th century

Margot, MargotDiabolus in Musica
00:00 / 02:21


Diabolus in Musica, 30 years of passion for medieval music.

This 4 CD set presents 30 years of restitution of the wonderful music of our Middle Ages! The general public's passion for medieval heritage, whether religious or profane, finds its full sound illustration here and instantly takes you to meet knights, troubadours, great lords and countless clerics, famous or anonymous canons.

The Diabolus in Musica ensemble, at first a small group of musician friends passionate about trouvères and polyphony, has become a reference formation, internationally recognized, whose concerts and records are acclaimed by critics who underline the seriousness of the research. and the strong innovative personality of his interpretations. 
The artistic approach of Diabolus in Musica, which tries to make us dream by rediscovering the musical sensitivity and mentality of our Middle Ages, remains the same. Just like the passion that drives it!

To listen to us

also visit the platforms: Youtube, Deezer, Spotify, Soundcloud

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